
For many French people, the old French song "Je veux revoir ma Normandie, ses paturages et ses prairies..." (I want to once more see my Normandy, its pastures and its meadows ...) is the one that perfectly describes Normandy. Nevertheless one must admit that this view is a bit unfair since it doesn't describe at all the variety of landscapes that you can find in Normandy (The cliffs of Etretat, the countryside of the Perche, the granite of the Cotentin peninsula, the sand beaches...), and doesn't describe the important history of Normandy, either.

However, the song highlights the fact that this "green country", a kingdom for the cows, is an important venue for the production of milk, butter and - of course - cheeses.

This site is more specifically dedicated to the production of cheeses in Normandy,and its goal is to present a wide range of them.

